Football Standout Pete Coniglio RECEIVES ngf grant
We have all known a Nebraska football athlete who has inspired us with their grit, determination, and love for football, which makes us believe in the power of the sports community.
Today, we want to share with you the touching story of one such athlete: Pete Coniglio. Pete is a former UNO Maverick football player and a proud graduate of Omaha Creighton Prep.

Former Nebraska Football Pete Coniglio History
His journey from 1996-1999 on the football field was inspiring, leaving an indelible mark on the history of the sport at the university.
During his time at UNO, Pete was known for his tenacity, agility, and unwavering determination. He was a consistent performer with a knack for exceptional results.
His natural talent on the football field didn’t just earn him accolades but also the respect and admiration of his teammates and coaches.

Pete Coniglio Medical Journey
But Pete’s journey doesn’t end on the football field; it extends into a life that’s been marked by resilience, strength, and an unyielding spirit.
Life took a challenging turn when he suffered a debilitating stroke. Everyday tasks, once second nature, turned into daunting hurdles.
Simple things like walking, seeing, and using his dominant hand became daily battles. But Pete is a fighter, a trait he attributes to his sports background.
His new needs also required a retro-fitting of a bathroom in his home that was not covered by insurance. When completed, the new bathroom will be accessible during Pete’s recovery.

How the Nebraska Greats Foundation Served Pete Coniglio
And in his fight, he’s not alone. After his family applied for assistance after the stroke, The Nebraska Greats Foundation (NGF) stepped up to help Pete when he needed it most.
The NGF provided a grant to build the retrofit of a bathroom in his home and make a smooth recovery and living possible.
Soon, Pete will have a safe, accessible space to continue his journey, making his daily challenges a little bit easier.
My stroke has been life-changing; tasks that were once taken for granted are now obstacles. Basic life skills like walking, seeing, and using my dominant hand are now challenges. Sports taught me to persevere and compete; I continue to persevere and compete to get better daily, The Nebraska Greats have made daily challenges safer and easier. Thank you!
Said Coniglio
The Maverick History with Nebraska Greats Foundation
Pete is the fifth former Maverick to receive support from the NGF, and we hope to help many more Maverick athletes in need of medical assistance.
For ten years now, the foundation has been serving athletes from the 16 colleges and universities in Nebraska. Our mission is to stand by our athletes, just like we did for Pete in their times of need.

The Nebraska Greats Foundation
We believe that every individual and organization has a role to play in empowering athletes and enriching our community.
The Nebraska Greats Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides financial assistance to former athletes and ex-athletes from Nebraska’s colleges and universities who face medical challenges.
Thanks to this support, we can alleviate some of the mental health issues that Nebraska athletes are going through during their recovery process.
If you know of an athlete friend or family member who needs access to specific treatments and services, let us know to potentially alleviate some of the stress associated with managing these conditions.
With your help, we can make the Nebraska sports scene a safer place for our community athletes. Wondering how to help? Donate today or reach out to us. Most donations are tax-deductible.