Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsoring a charitable event is a selfless act of philanthropy that can elevate you and your brand’s reputation. The Nebraska Greats Foundation offers diverse sponsorship options, reflecting their commitment to corporate social responsibility. By partnering with Nebraska Greats Foundation, your brand can increase exposure and show genuine care for making a positive impact. Our corporate sponsorship options offer endless opportunities to showcase your brand’s values, from supporting environmental projects to community outreach programs.

Corporate Partner
Requires 4-year commitment
One available
$50,000 per year
- Category Exclusive
- “Official Status” (aka Official category partner of the Nebraska Greats Foundation)
- “Presented by” status for Celebrity Sports Night and Golf Classic
- Preferred Vendor Status (goods and services)
- One (1) complimentary foursome in annual golf classic
- One (1) complimentary VIP table at annual celebrity Sports Night
- Two (2) VIP Tickets to Annual Outland Trophy Awards event
- Two (2) tickets to annual Husker Athletics Hall of Fame event (if produced by UNL AD)
- Invitation to annual private golf outing at a Nebraska private golf club for a total of four (4) representatives featuring meals, golf, cart with former athlete (Date, Place by mutual agreement)
- Permanent “click through” logo placement on home page at negreats.org
- Permanent logo placement on all social media communication
- Permanent logo placement on all external communication
- One (1) day corporate event (per year) featuring a minimum of one (1) former Athlete (to be mutually agreed upon and based upon availability)
- Limited rights to official NGF logo and marks
- Access to weekly “Blog” from former Husker or Blue Jay during football and basketball season
- Monthly newsletter
- Point of purchase or office decal or plaque designating “proud to support the Nebraska Greats Foundation”
Special Friend
Requires 3-year commitment
Three available
$20,000 per year
- Supporting sponsorship position at annual Celebrity Sports Night
- Supporting sponsorship position at annual golf classic
- One (1) complimentary foursome in annual golf classic
- One (1) complimentary VIP table at annual celebrity Sports Night
- Two (2) VIP Tickets to Annual Outland Trophy Awards event
- Two (2) tickets to annual Husker Athletics Hall of Fame event (if sponsored by UNL)
- Invitation to an annual “lunch with a legend” private lunch with a former athlete (date and availability TBD)
- Rotating ”Click through” logo placement on negreats.org pages
- Rotating placement on social media communication
- Rotating logo placement on all external communication
- Access to weekly “Blog” from former Husker or Bluejay during football and basketball season
- Point of purchase or office decal or plaque designating “proud to support the Nebraska Greats Foundation”
- Monthly newsletter
Five available
$10,000 per year
- One (1) complimentary foursome in annual golf classic
- One (1) complimentary VIP table at annual celebrity Sports Night
- Two (2) VIP Tickets to Annual Outland Trophy Awards event or Husker Athletics Hall of Fame event
- Invitation to an annual “lunch with a legend” private lunch with a former athlete (date and availability TBD)
- Rotating logo placement on negreats.org
- Access to weekly “Blog” from former Husker or Bluejay during football and basketball season
- Monthly newsletter
- Point of purchase or office decal or plaque designating “proud to support the Nebraska Greats Foundation”
$5,000 per year
- 50% discount on sponsor one (1) at the annual celebrity sports night
- 50% discount on golf foursomes (up to two) at the annual golf event
- Rotating logo placement on negreats.org
- Access to weekly “Blog” from former Husker or Bluejay during football and basketball season
- Monthly newsletter
- Point of purchase or office decal or plaque designating “proud to support the Nebraska Greats Foundation”