Donating to NonProfits to HELP Your Business
Donating to nonprofits and local organizations can help improve your business environment, reduce turnover rates, and improve your company’s reputation.
We know that nonprofit and business success are two topics unrelated to each other, but when done right, donations can have a huge impact on your organization.
Today, we will explore how your business can benefit from becoming a donor for your local nonprofit organizations.

The Weight of Values
In today’s fast-paced and competitive business world, a company’s values are more than just a set of words on a mission statement hanging on a plaque on your office wall.
Business core values are the guiding principles that shapes the brand’s identity, influences its operations, and determines its contribution to society.
Additionally, core values play a crucial role in empowering your employees and teammates. They instill a sense of purpose and motivation for the job they do every day.
Everybody likes to know that they are contributing to society one way or another. Having these values enables employees to work better together and make informed decisions that align with the company’s views.
However, how do you show these values? Is your company actively implementing them? And, is your team really seeing the positive effect of these values?

Donating to NonProfits
A great way to show you are implementing your business values and vision is through actions.
They could be things like fundraising, hosting charity events, sponsoring people, and, of course, making donations to nonprofits.
These actions send a clear and loud message to your audience and employees.
Partnering with a nonprofit organization like the Nebraska Greats Foundation (NGF) offers a unique opportunity to put your corporate values into action.
At NGF, we firmly believe in the critical role corporations play in societal advancement and growth.
By collaborating with us or any other nonprofit of your choice, your company does more than just donate funds.
The Power of Local Movements
You can always give donations through a nonprofit donation platform and save yourself some time and effort. But donating to a local organization has so many more benefits.
There are two ways of seeing donations to local nonprofits: the first one is as a means of financial support to other organizations, or, the second one is helping build a stronger community.
As a company, you should always see donations as retribution to your environment. By joining forces with us, your company won’t just be donating funds; it will be actively participating in enriching the Nebraska sports community.
This builds goodwill, enhances your company’s reputation, and strengthens ties with essential people in your community.
Moreover, involvement with local nonprofits sends a clear, powerful message to your stakeholders – that your company is committed to making a positive societal impact.

Networking Opportunities by Donating to Nonprofits
Supporting local nonprofit organizations also opens up a wealth of networking opportunities.
When you attend nonprofit events, you’re representing your company in a diverse community of like-minded professionals, passionate volunteers, and influential community leaders.
These interactions can lead to meaningful business relationships and even extend beyond the world of business.
Additionally, these connections can provide insight into community needs, wishes, emerging trends, and innovative solutions.
Foster Long-term Partnerships by Donating to NonProfits
Rather than limiting your involvement to a single instance of sponsorship to many nonprofits, we recommend sticking to one.
Consider the immense potential that lies in establishing a long-term partnership. In this enduring alliance, your business and the organization can achieve far-reaching impacts.
Think of different ways in which your organization can help your local nonprofits; do you see it lasting through the years? Will this alliance be a win-win? Do they provide something of value to you, your company, and your teams?
Ask your local nonprofits for their corporate information, packages, and subscriptions. At NGF, for example, we offer two different options for businesses wanting to donate.
Our goal with this package is that we can create relationships that are equally beneficial.

Corporate Partner
Requires 4-year commitment
$50,000 per year
Category Exclusive
- Official Status (aka Official category partner of the Nebraska Greats Foundation)
- “Presented by” status for Celebrity Sports Night and Golf Classic
- Preferred Vendor Status (goods and services)
- One (1) complimentary foursome in annual golf classic
- One (1) complimentary VIP table at annual celebrity Sports Night
- Two (2) VIP Tickets to Annual Outland Trophy Awards event
- Two (2) tickets to annual Husker Athletics Hall of Fame event (if produced by UNL AD)
- Invitation to annual private golf outing at a Nebraska private golf club for a total of four (4) representatives featuring meals, golf, cart with former athlete (Date, Place by mutual agreement)
- Permanent “click through” logo placement on home page at
- Permanent logo placement on all social media communication
- Permanent logo placement on all external communication
- One (1) day corporate event (per year) featuring a minimum of one (1) former Athlete (to be mutually agreed upon and based upon availability)
- Limited rights to official NGF logo and marks
- Access to weekly “Blog” from former Husker or Blue Jay during football and basketball season
- Monthly newsletter
- Point of purchase or office decal or plaque designating “proud to support the Nebraska Greats Foundation.”
Special Friend
Requires 3-year commitment
$20,000 per year
- Supporting sponsorship position at annual Celebrity Sports Night
- Supporting sponsorship position at annual golf classic
- One (1) complimentary foursome in annual golf classic
- One (1) complimentary VIP table at annual celebrity Sports Night
- Two (2) VIP Tickets to the Annual Outland Trophy Awards event
- Two (2) tickets to the annual Husker Athletics Hall of Fame event (if sponsored by UNL)
- Invitation to an annual “lunch with a legend” private lunch with a former athlete (date and availability TBD)
- “Click through” logo placement on pages
- Rotating placement on social media communication
- Rotating logo placement on all external communication
- Access to weekly “Blog” from former Husker or Bluejay during football and basketball seasons
- Point of purchase or office decal or plaque designating “proud to support the Nebraska Greats Foundation.”
- Monthly newsletter
Tax Benefits of Donating to NonProfits
Beyond the win-win relationships, improving business values, and helping your community, one often overlooked advantage of corporate donations to nonprofit organizations is the potential for significant tax deductions.
Under IRS guidelines, companies can typically deduct charitable contributions up to a certain percentage of their taxable income, providing a tangible financial benefit come tax season.
These tax benefits not only make giving economically feasible but can also improve your company’s bottom line.

Team Building with a Twist
Involving your team in the initiatives and events hosted by nonprofits provides unique team-building opportunities.
Working together towards a shared purpose can foster camaraderie and strengthen bonds among team members.
For fans of the Nebraska sports scene, knowing that they are part of improving athletes’ lives with their work can be a powerful bonding topic of conversation.
Experiences like this can enhance workplace relationships, improve communication, and boost overall team performance.
Business Donations at NGF
At NGF, we believe that corporations have an essential role to play in fostering societal growth and development.
At our foundation, we believe that corporate values are not just empty statements; they are the guiding principles that shape a brand’s identity and impact on society.
By partnering with us, you have the opportunity to showcase your commitment to enriching the Nebraska community and affirm your corporate values in a meaningful and impactful way.
Ready to donate? Talk to one of our team members (702-321-9136) and learn how you can help strengthen the Nebraska sports scene and change the lives of current and former collegiate athletes in their time of need.
The Nebraska Greats Foundation
Our Foundation is a nonprofit organization that provides financial assistance to both current and former athletes from any one of Nebraska’s 16 colleges and universities who face medical challenges.
Thanks to this support, we can alleviate some of stress that Nebraska athletes are going through during their recovery process.
If you know of an athlete friend or family member who needs access to specific treatments and services, let us know.
With your help, we can make the Nebraska sports scene a safer place for our community of athletes.
Donate today or reach out to us with questions.