NE Greats E-News June 2022

NE Greats E-News June 2022

NGF Celebrity Sports Night 2022

Please thank these sponsors for supporting the 2022 Celebrity Sports Night! It was a record setting night for funds, friends and fun!

Check Out Our Celebrity Sports Night Videos on the Nebraska Greats Facebook Page

In Case You Missed It

Nebraska Greats Executive Director Jim Rose caught up with former Husker play maker Jordan Westerkamp on the Nebraska Greats Podcast.

Nebraska Greats Limited-Time CD Special. 7-Month .95% APY

Annual Percentage Yield. Early withdrawal penalty may apply. Minimum deposit $10,000. Offer valid until July 1, 2022. Member FDIC. 

Visit First State Bank for details

Learn More and Register Today

2022 Tom Dinsdale Auto NE Greats Golf Jamboree Presented by 1st State Bank

Two great events, 25 former college sports standouts, a perfect day of golf all to support the NE Greats Foundation. July 21-22, 2022 in Grand Island at Riverside Golf Club. Join us Thursday night, Friday afternoon or both!

Thursday night, cocktails, dinner, auction items, moving tributes, testimonials and former Husker All-American and 1st round NFL draft choice Jason Peter with “tales” from the locker room.

Tickets, tables and golf foursomes are available now but space is limited! Sign up today!

Refer An Athlete

The Nebraska Greats Foundation is a 501C-3 non profit serving former collegiate athletes from Nebraska colleges and universities who face medical needs and financial challenges.

If you know of a former athlete who may qualify, please refer them to the NE Greats for alert us and we will reach out. Please email Sandy Zoroya at

What are some of the services the NGF funds?

  • Surgical procedures
  • Pre and post operative care
  • Insurance deductibles
  • Equipment
  • Travel to and from approved treatment
  • In home facilities
  • In home care
    At no time does a recipient receive a direct subsidy. All funds are sent directly to the approved providers.

Click Here To Make A Donation In Tim’s Memory

Tim Wurth

Former Husker Running Back, 1976 World-Herald boys athlete of the year and Nebraska Greats Foundation recipient Tim Wurth passed away on Friday, April 29, 2022.

Wurth was known as a tenacious football player who had a career total of 766 yards and seven touchdowns. Wurth lettered at NU in 1977 to 1979. He is also in the Omaha Public Schools Athletic Hall of Fame.

Tim’s son, Zac wrote on Facebook:

“It is with great sadness we announce the death of our beloved dad, Tim. We have had many people reach out and ask what they can do to support us. We ask that if you would like to do anything please support the Nebraska Greats Foundation that helped him in his time of need.”

Without insurance, Wurth applied for a grant from the NGF seeking assistance with Cataract surgery stemming from Type II Diabetes. Wurth also needed assistance with multiple hospital stays as a result of chronic neuropathy.

The Nebraska Greats Foundation‘s singular mission is to help former college athletes – both men and women – from any school in Nebraska in their times of medical need. Your gift today will directly help someone who urgently needs it and will greatly appreciate it. They once gave their all for their schools, their teammates and us. Let’s return the favor.

Most contributions to the NE Greats are fully tax deductible. We accept:

  • Cash
  • Credit cards (on
  • Stock transfers
  • Insurance proceeds
  • Real estate

We’re Social

Join the conversation on any one of our social media channels.


Tim Wurth Memorial

Tim Wurth Memorial

Former Husker Running Back, 1976 World-Herald boys athlete of the year and Nebraska Greats Foundation recipient Tim Wurth passed away on Friday, April 29, 2022.

Wurth was known as a tenacious football player who had a career total of 766 yards and seven touchdowns. Wurth lettered at NU in 1977 to 1979. He is also in the Omaha Public Schools Athletic Hall of Fame.

Zac Wurth wrote on Facebook; “It is with great sadness we announce the death of our beloved dad, Tim. We have had many people reach out and ask what they can do to support us. We ask that if you would like to do anything please support the Nebraska Greats Foundation that helped him in his time of need.”

Without insurance, Wurth applied for a grant from the NGF seeking assistance with Cataract surgery stemming from Type II Diabetes. Wurth also needed assistance with multiple hospital stays as a result of chronic neuropathy.

Former Creighton Athletics Director Rasmussen to join the NGF Board of Directors

Former Creighton Athletics Director Rasmussen to join the NGF Board of Directors

Former Creighton Athletics Director Rasmussen to join the NGF Board of Directors

The Nebraska Greats Foundation (501C-3 non profit) which serves former athletes from Nebraska’s 4-year colleges and universities who face medical and financial challenges, is pleased to announce former Creighton University Director of Athletics Bruce Rasmussen has been elected to a three year term on the Board of Directors.

Says NGF Board President Jerry Murtaugh, “We are very pleased that Bruce is joining our mission of serving former collegiate athletes. Bruce’s career in coaching and athletics administration gives him a special understanding of an athlete’s struggle. He has been a great cheerleader for the NGF. His experience will be a great plus for us.”

Says Rasmussen, “I’m excited and honored to be a part of the NGF. In athletics, its’s ‘once a teammate always a teammate.’ Being on a team is being a team member for life. It isn’t a nice act, it’s a necessary act. The NGF helps our teammates for life.”

Rasmussen retired from CU in the summer of ’21 after a distinguished career first coaching women’s basketball then serving for 28 years as Director of Athletics. During his tenure as AD, The Bluejays reached unprecedented heights in on-field success, off-the-field success, fund raising, facilities, graduation rates, fan engagement and sustainability. The highlight of his career was ushering CU into the Big East Conference and serving as Chair of the prestigious NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament Committee.

Since its inception in 2014, the NGF has issued over $400,000 in grants to qualified in-need former athletes.

Doane College baseball alum, Concordia football star and former Husker basketball player are the latest recipients of assistance from the Nebraska Greats Foundation

Doane College baseball alum, Concordia football star and former Husker basketball player are the latest recipients of assistance from the Nebraska Greats Foundation

Doane College baseball alum, Concordia football star and former Husker basketball player are the latest recipients of assistance from the Nebraska Greats Foundation

The Nebraska Greats Foundation (501C-3 nonprofit) which serves former athletes from Nebraska’s 4-year colleges and universities who face medical and financial challenges, announces life changing grants to three in-need former college sports heroes.

Jeremy Fossum, of Bellevue, NE (Doane/Baseball) was diagnosed with an operable brain tumor. Beyond the age when he could be covered by his family health insurance, Jeremy was saddled with sizable expense from the operation and associated care. The burden was made worse by significant student loan debt as he pursues a career in physical therapy. Said Fossum, “Finding out about the tumor, I had no thoughts about the cost but then when the bills started to arrive, I became very concerned. I wasn’t sure I would have any way to pay for the health care. Glory to God, He changed my life through the NGF.”

Gerald Morris (Concordia/Football) was seriously injured as a passenger in a spring automobile accident in Utah.His injuries required extensive surgery, rehabilitation and hospital stays. “The Nebraska Greats is a god-send to Gerald and his family. What an incredible, caring organization that literally changes peoples lives.” Said Concordia football coach Patrick Daberkow.”

Larry Florence (UNL/Basketball), a past NGF recipient continues his valiant fight against Multiple Myeloma. His grant will assist with travel to and from treatments, hospital stays and care.

Former Husker basketball standout latest recipient of grant from Nebraska Greats Foundation

Former Husker basketball standout latest recipient of grant from Nebraska Greats Foundation

Former Husker basketball standout latest recipient of grant from Nebraska Greats Foundation

The Nebraska Greats Foundation, a (501C-3) nonprofit providing life changing support to former letter winning athletes from any of Nebraska’s 16 4-year colleges and universities, proudly announces its latest grant.

Bernard Day, a two-year standout for Husker Basketball from 1985-87 received a grant to support his recovery from reconstructive knee surgery.

“I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the Nebraska Greats. You all have come through for me by granting me the help I am so thankful for. Having required knee replacement surgery, the last few years have been very challenging, and this is such a blessing. Thank you for taking some weight off my shoulders. I greatly enjoyed my time playing for the Huskers. And even though I was miles away, I always felt that as a Husker, I was always among family.” Said Day who led Nebraska into its first NCAA Tournament game in 1986 and helped lead the Huskers to the NIT Final Four in 1987 as a two-year starter for coaches Moe Iba and Danny Nee.

Since its founding the NGF has provided more than $400,000 in grants to athletes who face a medical need and a financial hardship.

May 2022 Nebraska Greats Foundation Newsletter

May 2022 Nebraska Greats Foundation Newsletter

Updating Sponsors and Friends of the Nebraska Greats Foundation

2022 Nebraska Greats Foundation Celebrity Sports Night A Smash!

A full house at Omaha’s Relevant Center on April 28th enjoyed three hours of tears, laughs and support of former College Athletes in need at the Annual Celebrity Sports Night.

Global celebrities Tyrus and Larry The Cable Guy headlined the evening that raised funds and awareness for the Nebraska Greats Foundation.

Miss the event but still want to make an impact? Click here to make a donation to the Nebraska Greats Foundation

What Do The Schools Do For Nebraska Greats Foundation? Member Schools Support the Nebraska Greats Foundation In Big Ways.

One of the questions supporters of the Nebraska Greats Foundation ask is “Since the NGF helps former athletes, what are the schools doing?”

The NGF is a powerful partner to our member schools because legally, they cannot assist ANY former athlete with medical expenses after their eligibility expires. But in support of the NGF, current and former coaches and administrators have donated nearly $100,000 cash to the NGF mission.

Provide complimentary use of facilities, donate autographed items for auction at NGF events.

The 16 schools served by the NGF often donate cash proceeds from exhibition games and events. As well as, provide display space for the NGF at school venues during high profile rivalry games and matches.

NGF schools also display the NGF logo at venues, on school websites, and donate airtime on the radio broadcasts

But the single biggest contribution member schools make to the NGF is complimentary use of school trademarks, logos and images. These are highly exclusive images that are often marketed to various commercial brands for between five and six figure cash contracts annually. Never-theless, the NGF is grant-ed virtually unlimited use of school logos and ath-lete images without charge.

This contribution not only attracts alumni of each school for support but provides huge credibility and validation.

Save the date for the annual Tom Dinsdale Auto NGF Golf Jamboree at Riverside Golf Club July 21 & 22, 2022.

Spend an evening supporting athletes in need and/or play golf the next day with a college celebrity.

Event information and registration is coming soon.

The Nebraska Greats Foundation Is On Demand – Download our podcast.

What do Jordan Westerkamp, Adam Carriker, Brent Qvale, Jared Crick and Cam Jurgins have in common? They’ve all been guests on the Nebraska Greats Podcast. Click here to catch up on all the episodes.

How Can You Be A Part of the Nebraska Greats Foundation?

  • Cash/Check
  • Estate Gift/Donation of Real Estate
  • Credit Card (click here to donate)
  • 401K/IRA Proceeds
  • Insurance Proceeds
  • Stock Transfer

Contact Mike Dobbs, Nebraska Greats Foundation Chief Development Officer

First State Bank Nebraska Greats CD Special:  0.85% APY Jump Up CD 18 Months. Visit for more information.

50 Years Campaign

50 Years Campaign


January 14, 1971….The President of the United States made a special stop to personally declare college football’s National Champion.

Air Force One landed in Lincoln carrying President Richard M. Nixon for celebration before a packed NU Coliseum. He presented a presidential plaque detailing the 11-0-1 season and a Number 1 finish in the Associated Press Poll.

In commemoration of NU’s first National Title 50 years ago and the generation of excellence that followed, the Nebraska Greats Foundation is asking Husker fans from around the world to make a $50.00 tax deductible donation (which helps the NGF serve former athletes facing medical and financial challenges) and vote for your favorite Husker football player of the last 50 years.

After all the votes are tallied, the NGF will present the winner with a special “People’s Choice” award at the 2021 Celebrity Sports Night event in LaVista, NE.

Thank you for donating and voting!  GBR!