Jim Hendry with Jim Rose

July 21-22nd, the 2-day event featured 25 celebrity golfers on the course at Riverside G.C. on the Friday after the evening event/auction/program featuring former Husker All-American Jason Peter and current Husker Garrett Nelson. A crowd of over 200 filled the ballroom to hear Jason tell stories of his family and playing days from the mid 1990’s.
The crowd was treated to a testimonial from former Hastings College T/F Standout Adam Driver and how the NE Greats came through for him.
The guests also bid on unique auction experiences including sky box passes with Trev Alberts and Larry the Cable Guy for a Husker Football home game, a behind-the-scenes chance to view a Husker Volleyball practice and a round of golf with Creighton Head Basketball Coach Greg McDermott and athletic director Bruce Rasmussen.
It was a record setting event for funds raised and awareness. Click on these links for stories on the event:
Injuries are often an inevitable reality for athletes competing at the collegiate level. During their careers, 90% of student-athletes report an athletics-related injury, according to the National Athletic Trainers’ Association. However, for the athlete, the pain of an injury can go beyond being just physical and can cause lasting emotional and psychological impacts.
Click here to read Healing Mind and Body: Injured Athletes Struggle With Mental Health article published by The Ithican
Jim Rose caught up with former Husker play maker Brent Qvale on the Nebraska Greats Podcast.
Annual Percentage Yield. Early withdrawal penalty may apply. Minimum deposit $10,000. Offer valid until October 1, 2022. Member FDIC.
Visit First State Bank for details
Refer an athlete. If you know of a former athlete who may need assistance, reach out to Sandy at szoroya@negreats.org We will keep you anonymous if you choose.
As a business owner become a corporate partner of the NE Greats. The NE Greats has multiple levels of sponsorship that provide sponsor benefits. Please join a list of prestigious businesses that brand with the NE Greats. Contact Jim at jrose@negreats.org
Give generously in the form of cash, check, credit card, gifts of stock, estate gift, real estate, a recurring gift. Almost every gift is tax deductible to our 501C-3 community foundation. Contact Mike at mdobbs@negreats.org
Join the conversation on any one of our social media channels.
Thursday, July 21, 2022 at the Riverside Golf Club Grand Island, NE
Tales from the field and locker room with former Husker standout Jason Peter and special guest players from the 2022 Husker Football Squad
Dinner, moving videos, powerful testimonials from NGF recipients
Tables of 8 $1200/Individual Tickets $75
Rare silent auction items and ONE OF KIND EXPERIENCES up for auction
All net proceeds benefit the Nebraska Greats Foundation which provides lifesaving assistance to former letter winning college athletes from across Nebraska.
Purchase Thursday Night Banquet Tickets
The deteriorating economy with run-a-way inflation is affecting not only the cost of health care, but may be making the need for it worse. A recent poll published by the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) outlined how health care costs factor into decisions about insurance coverage and care seeking, and rank as a top financial worry. The main takeaways from this report include:
Americans’ Challenges with Health Care Costs Poll
Nebraska Greats Board Member Brett Wetton caught up with former Husker play maker Adam Carriker on the Nebraska Greats Podcast.
Annual Percentage Yield. Early withdrawal penalty may apply. Minimum deposit $10,000. Offer valid until August 1, 2022. Member FDIC.
Visit First State Bank for details
The Nebraska Greats Foundation is a 501C-3 non profit serving former collegiate athletes from Nebraska colleges and universities who face medical needs and financial challenges.
If you lettered in any sport, man or woman from any of the 16 Four-year Nebraska colleges and universities, have a medical need and a financial challenge, please apply for support. The NE Greats assists recipients with everything from equipment, travel, pre and post operative care, insurance deductibles, in-home care, Medicaid and Medicare supplements
The NE Greats has already served former athletes from UNL, UNO, UNK, Creighton, Wayne State, Dana College, Hastings College, Peru State, York College, Concordia University, Doane University and Bellevue University ranging from football to gymnastics to soccer and track and field.
How can I give?
Nebraska Greats Foundation accepts cash, credit card, gifts of stock, real estate, insurance proceeds, personal estate gifts.
Please contact Mike Dobbs, Chief Development Officer or Executive Director Jim Rose mdobbs@negreats.org or jrose@negreats.org for more information.
The Nebraska Greats Foundation mourns the passing of former Omaha native and Husker Football standout Tim Wurth. Tim passed away this spring after battling health problems for many years. Nebraska Greats is proud to have assisted Tim when his eyesight was in jeopardy. He and his family expressed gratitude to the NGF for this support and urges any of Tim’s fans or teammates to make a tax-deductible contribution to the NE Greats
Most contributions to the NE Greats are fully tax deductible. We accept:
Join the conversation on any one of our social media channels.
Please thank these sponsors for supporting the 2022 Celebrity Sports Night! It was a record setting night for funds, friends and fun!
Check Out Our Celebrity Sports Night Videos on the Nebraska Greats Facebook Page
Nebraska Greats Executive Director Jim Rose caught up with former Husker play maker Jordan Westerkamp on the Nebraska Greats Podcast.
Annual Percentage Yield. Early withdrawal penalty may apply. Minimum deposit $10,000. Offer valid until July 1, 2022. Member FDIC.
Visit First State Bank for details
Learn More and Register Today
Two great events, 25 former college sports standouts, a perfect day of golf all to support the NE Greats Foundation. July 21-22, 2022 in Grand Island at Riverside Golf Club. Join us Thursday night, Friday afternoon or both!
Thursday night, cocktails, dinner, auction items, moving tributes, testimonials and former Husker All-American and 1st round NFL draft choice Jason Peter with “tales” from the locker room.
Tickets, tables and golf foursomes are available now but space is limited! Sign up today!
The Nebraska Greats Foundation is a 501C-3 non profit serving former collegiate athletes from Nebraska colleges and universities who face medical needs and financial challenges.
If you know of a former athlete who may qualify, please refer them to the NE Greats for alert us and we will reach out. Please email Sandy Zoroya at szoroya@negreats.org.
What are some of the services the NGF funds?
Click Here To Make A Donation In Tim’s Memory
Former Husker Running Back, 1976 World-Herald boys athlete of the year and Nebraska Greats Foundation recipient Tim Wurth passed away on Friday, April 29, 2022.
Wurth was known as a tenacious football player who had a career total of 766 yards and seven touchdowns. Wurth lettered at NU in 1977 to 1979. He is also in the Omaha Public Schools Athletic Hall of Fame.
Tim’s son, Zac wrote on Facebook:
“It is with great sadness we announce the death of our beloved dad, Tim. We have had many people reach out and ask what they can do to support us. We ask that if you would like to do anything please support the Nebraska Greats Foundation that helped him in his time of need.”
Without insurance, Wurth applied for a grant from the NGF seeking assistance with Cataract surgery stemming from Type II Diabetes. Wurth also needed assistance with multiple hospital stays as a result of chronic neuropathy.
The Nebraska Greats Foundation‘s singular mission is to help former college athletes – both men and women – from any school in Nebraska in their times of medical need. Your gift today will directly help someone who urgently needs it and will greatly appreciate it. They once gave their all for their schools, their teammates and us. Let’s return the favor.
Most contributions to the NE Greats are fully tax deductible. We accept:
Join the conversation on any one of our social media channels.
Former Husker Running Back, 1976 World-Herald boys athlete of the year and Nebraska Greats Foundation recipient Tim Wurth passed away on Friday, April 29, 2022.
Wurth was known as a tenacious football player who had a career total of 766 yards and seven touchdowns. Wurth lettered at NU in 1977 to 1979. He is also in the Omaha Public Schools Athletic Hall of Fame.
Zac Wurth wrote on Facebook; “It is with great sadness we announce the death of our beloved dad, Tim. We have had many people reach out and ask what they can do to support us. We ask that if you would like to do anything please support the Nebraska Greats Foundation that helped him in his time of need.”
Without insurance, Wurth applied for a grant from the NGF seeking assistance with Cataract surgery stemming from Type II Diabetes. Wurth also needed assistance with multiple hospital stays as a result of chronic neuropathy.