NE Greats E-News November 2022

Former Husker Needs Help
The Nebraska Greats Foundation is assisting former Husker Football player Anthony Branch (1977-80) who seeks a kidney donor. Branch is battling kidney cancer, recently had his SECOND kidney removed and hopes to find a donor.
It’s Time To Start Thinking About Year-End Charitable Contributions
Please remember the NGF in your year-end giving plans. Most all of our contributions are tax deductible. Please consult your tax advisor. The NGF accepts cash, stock transfers, 401K/IRA proceeds, insurance policy benefits, real estate transfers, etc. You can donate on line via credit card at. Your tax deductible gift will provide a former athlete with end of life care, equipment, insurance deductibles, travel to and from critical care and ease the financial burden that ruins lives. Remember, if you give to the NGF, your gift goes DIRECTLY to approved service providers. At no time, does a recipient receive a direct subsidy. If you have any questions about how or what to give, please reach out to Mike Dobbs at
2023 will be an exciting year for the NGF
Be watching the NE Greats E-News for details about once-in-a-lifetime events near you. Please feel free to share this email with friends and family
We need more applicants!
If you know of a former athlete struggling with health and wellness please reach out to the NGF. We will follow up with that former sports hero and keep your name confidential. Please reach out to Sandy Zoroya at

Your Gifts Are Making A Difference
Carlos Ortega, Midfielder from York College suffered an injury in competition and needed assistance with medical care not covered by his insurance.
As a college student, money is tight so the NGF grant not only allowed Carlos to get the care he needed but literally allowed him to stay in school.
Said Carlos, “The NGF is a tremendous organization that proves how much college athletes are valued in Nebraska. Thank you Nebraska Greats.”
11.01.22 Newsletter
Nebraska Greats Limited-Time CD Special. 3.75% APY For 5-Months
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Visit First State Bank for details
In Case You Missed It
NGF Podcast Jared Crick with Brett Wetton

What’s New With NGF Schools
Bellevue University has announced plans to construct a new 72,000-plus square foot, multimillion dollar Athletics Field House just west of the University’s main campus, on Harvell Circle off of Herman Drive.
A groundbreaking ceremony for the Field House was held Friday, Oct. 28, 2022.
The two-level building will include multiple competition and practice courts for both basketball and volleyball; Athletic training facilities, including a weight room and locker rooms; a press room area; and office, meeting and storage space.
Facility designs have not yet been finalized, but Bellevue University President Dr. Mary Hawkins expects the project to be completed in 18-24 months after the start of construction.
“This new facility and our student athletes will be a winning combination,” Dr. Hawkins said. “This state-of-the-art facility is a major step in our strategic facilities plan. It opens up opportunities for us to enhance and expand student services and resources for our students who learn on campus and those who learn online.”
Athletic Director Ed Lehotak said all of the University’s student-athletes and coaches are excited to see the project come to life. “We expect this to have a very positive impact on the experience for our student athletes, as well as our staff, faculty, fans and officials,” Lehotak said. “Athletes on all of our sports teams and our coaches will benefit in a big way.”
The Bruins currently compete in 11 traditional men’s and women’s sports and one non-traditional co-ed sport, Esports.

In An Aging America Osteoporosis Is A Looming Public Health Crisis
America has a bone health crisis. More than 50 million Americans are at risk of developing osteoporosis, and 10 million already have the condition. A full 80 percent of those individuals are women. In fact, one in five women over 50 will get the disease during their lifetime.
Many former athletes develop medical issues related to Osteoporosis later in life. Its becoming one of America’s fastest growing health care concerns. To read more about this click here.

2023 NGF Events!
Save the dates: April 20, 2023 in Omaha
August 12, 2023 in Lincoln
More details to come
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